undefined__Roof Gardening

Refulgence Bougainvilla




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Product Description

Growth Habit: Bougainvillea is a woody, climbing vine, but it can also be grown as a shrub or tree with pruning. It's ideal for trellises, fences, and walls.
Leaves: The plant has dark green, oval-shaped leaves, which are leathery and glossy.
Flowers: The actual flowers are small and white or yellow, but the bracts, which are the showiest part of the plant, are large and colorful.
Sunlight: Bougainvillea loves full sunlight and thrives in warm, tropical, or subtropical climates.
Watering: Once established, bougainvillea is drought-tolerant, but it still needs regular watering in the early stages of growth.
Thorns: Many bougainvillea varieties have thorns along their stems, so be careful when handling the plant.

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